Welcome to fellow.com Premium DOMAIN NAME
Thank you for your inquiry about this domain name "fellow.com".
I am checking your inquiries as much as possible.
However, the number of cases is so large that it is difficult to respond to them individually.
Therefore, I will respond on this web page.
I will update it from time to time.
I am still using this domain name today.
I did not want to sell this domain name.
So, I didn't have set a specific asking price.
However, I am receiving more and more high-value offers every year.
Accordingly, the property values and prices of this domain name has been skyrocketing for quite some time.
As a result, I receive a lot of contact from domain brokers, domain resellers, domain investors, and people of unknown identity.
So, I will be open to selling my domain name.
If you need this domain name, please detail the following from the beginning.
I try to respond to inquiries from companies named Fellow whenever possible.
Because I think they ultimately need this domain name.
If the reason for the desire is appropriate and the partner is worthy of ownership, I would be positive about it.
Similarly, I would be open to any proposals that exceed the property value I had previously estimated.
If I find someone who I think would be my Fellow, I may sell this domain name.
Please note that these negotiations must agree to the equivalent of a nondisclosure agreement.
I am only looking forward to hearing from my Fellows.
Contact for fellow.com Premium DOMAIN NAME inquiries.
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